...presentation of the NABU Project LIFE floodplain amphibians
The German-Polish conference “Amphibians and Reptiles – distribution, protection and perspectives on development”, will take place on 22 September 2017 at the
Brandenburg Academy, at Criewen Castle at the river Oder.
The project LIFE floodplain amphibians is represented.
Florian Bibelriether from Amphi International, who delivers the project together with NABU Lower Saxony and the Biosphere Reserve administration for the Lower Saxony River Elbe Valley, will present the protection measures for the fire-bellied toad, the tree frog and the great crested newt under the title “Protecting amphibians in the north east of Lower Saxony”.
The Brandenburg Academy in cooperation with BUND Brandenburg is the conference organiser. Speakers from Germany and Poland will present and discuss measures necessary for the protection of amphibians and reptiles in Germany and Poland as well as taking stock of the current situation in various areas.
The conference is targeting River Ecologists, Biologists, Landscape Planners, Land Managers and Researchers as well as representatives from administrations and everybody else who is interested. The draft conference programme as well as further information is available at www.brandenburgische-akademie.de