save the date: Saturday 6th of July 2019
NABU Lower Saxony offers a workshop on the topic of “Creation and
maintenance of amphibian breeding ponds” within the LIFE Project floodplain amphibians.
The workshop is organised in collaboration with the Lower Saxony group for field herpetology and ichthyofauna and the Environmental and Nature Protection Foundation Hondelage (Förderkreis
Umwelt- und Naturschutz Hondelage e.V.). It is particularly for nature conservation volunteers. It will take place on Saturday 6th of July 2019 at the Nature Discovery Centre Hondelage
(NaturErlebnisZentrum) Hondelage, postal address: In den Heistern 5c, 38108 Braunschweig.
The one-day workshop will cover all important aspects of the creation of amphibian breeding ponds, particularly for endangered species. In addition to aspects such as size, depth and pod hydrologiy for each target species it will also answer questions on choosing the right size, required permissions and how to find the right civil engineering company. The workshop will also cover costs and possible funding sources as well as the need for long-term maintenance and conservation actions. To round up the day the event will have an excursion to various water bodies in the Brunswick area.
Attendance of the workshop is free, but registration is required. The detailed program and a sign-up form will be published in due time on the webpage www.life-auenamphibien.com.
Image: Creation of a new pond, J. Neumann, NABU Lower Saxony