The Dromling is part of the natural area of the Weser-Aller lowlands (Atlantic region). It is a large former bog on the border between the federal states of Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. The Dromling is one of the most important wetland areas in Lower Saxony. It is a complex of bog and floodplain sites. Alder-ash woodlands alder-poplar forests and birch bogs dominate the wooded areas. There are also large wet grasslands and sedge reeds, some of them species-rich.
The whole area is crossed by a large number of ditches, which have importance for breeding amphibians.
It is unclear whether the fire-bellied toad is present in the Dromling or not. Unconfirmed reports on individual toads from recent years from the Lower Saxony and Saxon-Anhalt part of the area suggest that a small population may have survived.
The project will clarify the status of the fire-bellied toad. Depending on the result, we will conduct supportive breeding activities or take action to reintroduce the species. In addition we will create new and optimize existing breeding ponds and other ponds for the fire-bellied toad. The tree frog population will also benefit from these actions.
Local contact: Gifhorn District Council, Helmstedt District Council, City of Wolfsburg
Photos: Joachim Neumann